måndag 9 oktober 2023

Det drömda landet - och det verkliga (?)

Balfour St. i Haifa, 1950-talet. Vykort

Man ska inte förlora sig i drömmar och falsk historia. Men det är ett faktum att Haifa länge var den stad i Israel där det fanns små, små hoppfulla tecken. Nog minns jag Beit Ha´Gefen, det finns för övrigt kvar. Redan en liten titt, så förstår ni varför det symboliserar något helt annat än massmördande islamister.

"Beit Ha'Gefen, an Arab-Jewish center founded in 1963 as a pioneer in the field of intercultural dialogue, is a nonprofit organization that strives to establish equalitarian and shared spaces that contain the diversity of identities and cultures in Israel and worldwide. The center is a key player in instilling the intercultural attitude and constructing a shared society, and leads social and community centered processes in the spirit of democratic values, while providing tools for dealing with the complex issues inherent to a society comprised of many cultures. 

Beit Ha'Gefen is active in the fields of culture, art, education, and tourism, while maintaining a connection with the community and constantly expanding the circles of collaborations with institutions that strive to promote similar goals in Israel and worldwide. Our activity is based on the conviction that an encounter and an interpersonal familiarity with another culture – its stories, cultural and spiritual assets, are essential for breaking down barriers and building trust between the different national and religious groups living in Haifa and in Israel. 

Beit Ha'Gefen’s professional team has extensive experience in developing and implementing programs that engage with intercultural dialogue for a broad range of audiences. Beit Ha'Gefen creates diverse projects with the different disciplines in which it operates: theater, library, youth club, women and girls empowerment, culture, music, and more.


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