onsdag 11 september 2024

Despair! Stor intervju med Renaud Camus

 Foto från artikeln av Joel Saget/ AFP, skärmdump från The European Conservative 16 september 2024

Stor intervju med Renaud Camus i The European Conservative

"That the Great Replacement is not a far-right conspiracy is indeed the least one can say. Each of these terms is false. The Great Replacement is not a theory, it is a chrononym, like the Great War or the Great Depression—a name for an era on the basis of its most significant phenomenon, namely the change of people and of civilization, or “genocide by substitution” (as the black poet and long-serving communist mayor of Fort-de-France, Aimé Césaire, called it). In my book of the same name, Le Grand Remplacement, the idea of a conspiracy never arises, for that would be a totally ridiculous way of describing the enormity of the industrial, financial, cybernetic, ontological, and even metaphysical mechanisms that have led to this disaster, the replaceable man, interchangeable at will. Since the Great Replacement is not a theory but a fact, a crime, the crime against humanity of the twenty-first century, it cannot be a conspiracy theory or a theory of the far right."

Låt mig citera slutorden:

It seems that Europe, and even the West, have entered a dark and chaotic era. What gives you hope in these times?



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