måndag 28 februari 2022

Lyudmyla Diadchenko: Don’t be silent. Please ask your governments to bless our sky

Ullmar Qvick:

Hon skrev nyss att hon hela dagen igår färdades till sina föräldrars by utanför Kyiv. Hon var livrädd, hon har suttit i ett bombskydd, och när explosionerna hördes nära intill grät hon som en stackare. Men ryssarna får stryk i Kyiv skriver hon.
Här ligger jag i min varma säng. Men jag påminner Lyudmyla om ordets makt. Det romerska riket har varit dött i snart 2000 år men Ovidius och Horatius poesi lever än idag i miljoner hjärtan.

My dear friends from all over the world, thank you for the support in your letters to me.

I am like my country. In the war. It is very difficult for many people. At 5 o’clock on Thursday, Russia began bombing us.

People can't even sleep. I sat in the bomb shelter and cried. But at this time, throughout Ukraine women in bomb shelters give birth to children, reassure their children and are not afraid. They are strong. Our warriors are fighting the enemy. Our people are fighting the enemy. The whole country. My country is strong.🇺🇦💙💛

Fear first has changed to anger later.
If you want to help me, help my Ukraine.
Don’t be silent. Please ask your governments to bless our sky.


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