fredag 2 december 2022

Hyllningar till Hitler

Han nådde botten i en intervju i går:

Rapper Kanye West praised Adolf Hitler and said people should not criticize Nazis in an interview with far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on Thursday, sparking a fresh round of condemnations of the antisemitic rapper who recently dined with former US president Donald Trump.

“I see good things about Hitler,” West, who also goes by Ye, told Jones during the bizarre appearance on the Infowars Network, alongside Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes. “Every human being has value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler.”

“I like Hitler,” he added later, and called himself a Nazi.

Här finns hela artikeln. Läs den noga! Fasornas tid är här i många avseenden, inte minst i form av detta judehat och denna Hitler-vurm.



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