onsdag 6 april 2022

Har Ryssland ambitioner långt bortom Ukraina?

New York. Foto: Astrid Nydahl

Kriget fortsätter. Ingen vet vilka planer Putin-maffian har. Men jag läste ett intressant telegram om Putins hantlangare Dmitry Medvedev från Sky News som är ganska kusligt:

Putin ally makes ominous statement on Russian goal to build 'open Eurasia from Lisbon to Vladivostok' A lengthy and at times rambling statement has been released this morning by senior ally to Vladimir Putin and former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev. Posted on messaging app Telegram, the post repeats widely dismissed Kremlin claims of Nazi sympathisers in Ukraine, saying "the passionate part of Ukrainians has been praying for the Third Reich for the last 30 years".

Again in keeping with Kremlin rhetoric, it goes on to question Ukraine as an independent country, referencing "a pseudo-history of Ukrainian statehood".


However, the closing line in the post will be identified as perhaps the most ominous, suggesting Moscow's goal in the conflict is "to finally build an open Eurasia - from Lisbon to Vladivostok".There has previously been discussion among European figures around the notion of a free-trade area stretching from the Portuguese capital, the most westerly in Europe, and Vladivostok, the far-eastern Russian city where the Trans-Siberian railway terminates. However, this kind of language from such a close ally of the Russian leader is already being highlighted a cause for alarm among those who believe Moscow has imperialistic ambitions beyond Ukraine.

1 kommentar:

  1. Redan de Gaulle hade samma tanke ("ambitioner bortom Alsace&Lorraine" kanske?), och det bör ha varit skrämmande för samma makt som fortfarande vill kontrollera västra Europa. Sedan kom Gorbatjov med det "europeiska huset", men han var ju ryss och sådana behöver man ju inte bry sig om. Ett öppet och samarbetande område "från Lissabon till Vladivostok" är ett direkt hot mot ett sönderfallande USA. För vem skall man plundra då?
