fredag 1 april 2022

Fascismen igen, nu i Putins skepnad

En trettio år gammal bild faller ut ur arkivet

Jag möter mig själv som 40-åring.

Den togs på Kristianstadsbladets redaktion av fotografen Tommy Hansson. Det var krig på Balkan. Jag drev förlag. Publicerade många böcker om krigen, både i Bosnien och Kosova, och om den serbiska fascismen. Då var den värste folkmördaren och fascisten Serbiens ledare Slobodan Milošević. Han dog i fångenskap.

Nu är det dags igen. Men ännu värre. Putin kallas fascist och det är sällsynt lämpligt. Det är min uppriktiga önskan att han också ska finnas i fångenskap eller att han dödas i någon form av palatskupp.

Jag läser en mycket stor intervju med Timothy Snyder i Euromaidanpress, den har ursprungligen publicerats i polska 

“If the Ukrainians hadn’t fought back, the world would’ve been a much darker place.”


In an interview with the Polish magazine Polityka, prominent American scholar of Central and Eastern Europe Professor Timothy Snyder explains Putin’s ultimate goal, why Russia’s war against Ukraine is akin to genocide, why Putin has a more radical perspective than Stalin and why only Hitler had a similar plan, and why the fact that Ukrainians are fighting is so important for the whole world.


Putin’s goals and philosophy

Sławomir Sierakowski: What is Putin’s ultimate goal in this war?


Timothy Snyder: That’s no big secret: to destroy Ukraine as a state and exterminate Ukrainians as a nation. I’d like to make it very clear that such an idea is akin to genocide. If accomplishing that plan were to require – and that’s what it will require – physical extermination of Ukraine’s intelligentsia or exile to Siberia – then that’s what will happen.


SS: So, doesn’t that make Putin a softer version of Stalin, and an equally dangerous leader?


TS: He’s different. Stalin never doubted the existence of the Ukrainian nation and in a way, he was cautious of it, hence the Holodomor famine and the 1930s Great Terror in the Ukrainian SSR. Putin, who believes no Ukrainian nation exists, has a more radical perspective compared to Stalin; it takes us back to Hitler’s idea of human masses that can be quickly broken by willful violent actions.


Thus, we’re way beyond conventional politics, face to face with classical tyranny. We’re dealing with an aged leader whose mindset is based not on contemporary categories, but on the concept of eternity. From Putin’s perspective, facts don’t really matter. He either takes no notice of the practical barriers that we’re aware of or believes them to be western propaganda or a delusion. In essence, Putin sees the world as he himself perceives it."


Hela intervjun kan läsas här.

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