måndag 19 december 2016

"Av två onda ting..."

En dotter och ett barnbarn vid havet. Foto: Astrid Nydahl
Av två onda ting, säger han själv, valde han Le Pen. Jag tror att den gode ledarskribenten på norska Klassekampen, den ärevördiga kommunistiska dagstidningen, har studerat Jan Myrdals Le Pen-texter och dragit sin slutsats. Läs om saken på Breitbart:
In his column on the Front National leader Monday he wrote, “Le Pen and I agree with these very important issues: opposition to the EU, getting out of the euro, national industrial policy with elements of protectionism, immigration restriction, secular state, independent foreign policy, no to America’s wars for regime change, for relaxation and cooperation with Russia, against globalism.”He also added, “François Fillon against Marine Le Pen, is a bit like Trump against Clinton. I’m not excited about any of them, but Le Pen is the best of two evils.”The divide between left and right in Europe and in North America has become centered around the debate on globalism leading other traditionally left-wing figures to support populist candidates.

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