torsdag 28 februari 2013


Sparkhill. Foto: TN
Här kan man tala om ett mycket konkret exempel på näthat:
"The teachings of a radical preacher who is believed to have inspired three Birmingham men convicted of planning a major terror attack are still available on YouTube, MPs have warned. But quizzed by Midland MPs in the House of Commons, a YouTube executive warned it was impossible to prevent the films being distributed."
Det handlar alltså om den stora terrorrättegången i Birmingham. Herrarna som skulle spränga människor i bitar hade suttit och tittat på YouTube-predikanter för att stärka sig:
"Mr Winnick warned that YouTube was providing a platform for “any hate merchant”. It followed the conviction of three men from Birmingham who were found guilty of planning a massive suicide bombing campaign that would have caused more deaths than the July 7 London bombings. The trio that they will all face life in prison when they are sentenced in April or May. Irfan Naseer, 31, from Sparkhill, Irfan Khalid, 27, from Sparkbrook, and Ashik Ali, 27, of Balsall Heath, were found guilty of planning the UK attacks after a 14 week trial at Woolwich Crown Court."
Så får begreppet näthat helt nya dimensioner. Läs hela artikeln för konkreta resonemang. Vi talar inte om hot eller aggressiva påhopp, utan om konkreta planer på massmord. De unga männen från Birminghams olika platser hade säkert fortsatt sitt förberedelsearbete också utan predikanterna på nätet, men förmodligen har de tjänat både som inspiratörer och moraliska stödjepunkter.

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